All of our pupils, regardless of their learning needs are given a high level of pastoral and social support from the moment they enter school right through to when they leave.
Our Pupil Leadership Team meets on a frequent and regular basis to enable our children to tell us how they feel and make decisions about our school. We also have Sports Leaders, a Children’s Accessibility Team, Science Ambassadors, Eco Warriors and Rights Respecting Ambassadors. Pupil Voice is heard in all aspects of school life.
Within classrooms class teachers develop very close relationships with each child to ensure that they are happy, secure and ready to learn on a daily basis. We have a split site school and so make every effort for our children to spend time on both sites and work with staff from both sites. This not only promotes our development as large Primary School Community but also promotes transition and inclusion.
As a Gold Rights Respecting School, we place the UNCRC (United Conventions of the Rights of a Child) at the heart of its planning, policies and practice. The school has a Rights Respecting Ethos, where children are empowered to become active citizens and learners.
Children with medical needs are catered for in the same way with, if necessary, designated people to deal with any physical or emotional difficulty that we can. All staff are trained in first aid and identified staff administer medicine within school following the appropriate County guidelines.
We have dedicated spaces in school where children can work in a confidential environment (Nurture Room/Listening Place) and all members of our school community understand that access to these spaces is limited at time. We see support for emotional and social development as a key focus of our work.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.