School uniform is not compulsory but we do encourage children to wear a royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan, with grey trousers or skirt/pinafore as we think it encourages a sense of belonging. We hope children are proud to be identified as being part of our school.
Our uniform supplier is ‘Elizabeth Embroidery’. The company embroider the school logo and the child’s initials on sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts etc. which helps to prevent items of clothing being lost.
Items of clothing can be ordered by Mrs Wilson (Infant Site) or Miss Smith (Junior Site) in the school office or online at Elizabeth Embroidery. Password: wingate
Please not you do not need to buy from our regular supplier.
School Uniform items available from school:
- Royal blue sweatshirt
- Royal blue cardigan
- Royal blue fleece
- Royal blue shower proof fleece
- White or light blue polo shirt
- P.E. Kits: drawstring blue bag, white tee shirt, blue shorts
- Sun Hats
Please mark all items of clothing clearly with your child’s name.
Children will need a P.E. Kit for indoor and outdoor P.E. consisting of shorts and a T-shirt. They will not need outdoor P.E. shoes in the Autumn Term unless they attend a games based After School Club.
Book Bags
All children need a bag to bring their reading books, homework and water bottle to school each day. Book Bags are available from our uniform suppliers. These are very good quality and have a space for the child’s name which helps them to look after their own belongings in school.