SEN Transition


How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school 

Before children start in our Early Years setting we encourage visits to the school so that they can get to know the environment and staff.  The teachers working in Early Years will go to visit the children and meet with staff in their familiar nursery setting.

We ask parents/carers to share relevant information about their children with us, so that we can provide any support necessary. We explain to all new families about our SEN procedures and that they will be involved and supported at all stages.


How we support children/young people with SEN moving between classes in our school 

Pupil progress is discussed as a whole staff, as are the needs of any SEN or other vulnerable children so the staff at school know the children and their individual needs.

Where children have specific needs, they will often make additional visits to their new classroom, and may be given a photo reminder of each area/teacher for the holiday period.

At the end of the summer term, all children make the transition to their new class for at least two days. This gives us the opportunity for children to settle into new groups and to meet their teacher. We also place support staff in their new roles for the coming year.

How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school 

We regularly support children to move to one of our four local Secondary schools: Wellfield School, Shotton Hall Academy, Dene Community and St Bede’s, Peterlee.

Each school makes its own transition arrangements, however our Year 6 teachers meet with either the Year 7 lead, the transition manager or the SENCO of each school where needed. Individual child profiles are completed with all relevant information for transfer to the school.

Children with SEN or who are more vulnerable, are often invited to participate in ‘friendship’ days or extended transition over a period of weeks.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.